Autor: UNOi

Fecha: 22 de mayo de 2012

Procedures to Rehearse with Students

By Elaine Galagher    This list is a guide of the possible areas to practice with students, establishing procedures that will eventually, with practice, become routines. […]

Foto: Diego Devesa Laux

By Elaine Galagher   

This list is a guide of the possible areas to practice with students, establishing procedures that will eventually, with practice, become routines. Routines in your classroom lead to better self-discipline by students, and they support emphasis on ALT = Academic Learning Time.

Entering the classroom                                                 Passing in papers

Getting to work immediately                                       Exchanging papers

When students are tardy                                              Returning student work

End-of-period class dismissal                                       Getting materials without disturbing others

Listening to and responding to questions                    Handing out playground materials

Participating in class discussions                                  Moving about the room

When you need pencil or paper                                    Going to the library or computer center

Keeping your desk orderly                                           Headings on papers

Checking out classroom materials                                When a student finishes work early

Coming to attention                                                        Asking a question

When students are absent                                             When a school-wide announcement is made

Working cooperatively                                                   Walking in the hall during class time

Changing groups                                                             Responding to a fire drill or other emergency

Keeping a notebook                                                        Responding to an earthquake

Going to the office                                                          Responding to a severe weather report

When student needs help or conferencing                 When visitors are in the classroom

Knowing the schedule for the day or class                 If the teacher is out of the classroom

Keeping a progress report                                            If a student is suddenly ill

Finding directions for each assignment                      Saying «Please» and «Thank you»