Tdah En Educación Xxi, Primera Parte | Uno Internacional - UNOi Internacional
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Tdah En Educación Xxi, Primera Parte | Uno Internacional

by Elaine Gallagher Kindergarten: Identification of letters; saying the alphabet; writing their names; listening to stories and giving an oral summary or a drawing about the story; developing vocabulary. 1st and 2nd:   The sentence: begin with capital letter; end with correct punctuation:   . ? ! 3rd and 4th:    The paragraph: main idea; indent for  each […]

Autor: UNOi

Fecha: 29 de octubre de 2014

Elaine Gallagher 11 ceg

by Elaine Gallagher

Kindergarten: Identification of letters; saying the alphabet; writing their names; listening to stories and giving an oral summary or a drawing about the story; developing vocabulary.

1st and 2nd:   The sentence: begin with capital letter; end with correct punctuation:   . ? !

3rd and 4th:    The paragraph: main idea; indent for  each new paragraph; supporting details; adjectives, adverbs as descriptors.

5th and 6th:     3 – 5 paragraphs in a composition; using an outline.

7th, 8th, 9th:     5 paragraph essay/composition; An outline prepared with:

  • an introduction
  • the information
  • a conclusion
  • using references & a bibliography


There are 3 basic types of writing:

  1. Narrative
  2. Persuasive
  3. Explanatory


The Writing Process

  1. Brainstorm
  1. First draft
  1. Revising and editing
  1. Second draft / final draft
  1. Publishing/sharing

