Planning & Supporting Strong English Programs (Part 6) - UNOi Internacional
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Planning & Supporting Strong English Programs (Part 6)

By Elaine Gallagher, Ph. D.    PART 6 – ASSESSMENTS  On-going, informal, anecdotal Tools to asses:  Rubrics, checklists, portfolios (Samples) Self-assessment  (Samples) Team Projects (Samples) Teacher Self- Assessments  ============================================ PART 6 ASSESSMENTS NOTE: A grateful thank you to UNO Senior Coach, Mariela Boone, for her creative ideas contributing to the section of Student Projects, grades 1 […]

Autor: UNOi

Fecha: 2 de septiembre de 2013

Foto: Diego Devesa Laux

Foto: Diego Devesa Laux

By Elaine Gallagher, Ph. D.   


  • On-going, informal, anecdotal
  • Tools to asses:  Rubrics, checklists, portfolios (Samples)
  • Self-assessment  (Samples)
  • Team Projects (Samples)
  • Teacher Self- Assessments



NOTE: A grateful thank you to UNO Senior Coach, Mariela Boone, for her creative ideas contributing to the section of Student Projects, grades 1 -8.


There are many views of «evaluations» or «grading» or «marking» students. The view of this writer is that evaluations have a negative connotation, in that we are placing a score to someone’s performance. That is unrealistic because no one’s performance can be reduced to a single score. There is no correlation between traditional school marks and success in life.  Success is based on things that we do not «evaluate» or «grade», such as initiative, the ability to function well in a group/team, a self-starter, someone who has persistence, great interpersonal relations, empathy, task -committed. These are all areas of emotional intelligence.

Assessing someone’s work, as evidenced by written, oral, and physical performance can be achieved by the use of rubrics, self-assessments, and portfolios. Measuring growth and accomplishments by checklists, narrative reports, and time lines are fair, logical, user-friendly, and lead students to want to improve and grow. They do not threaten; they support. Educators in the 21st century are moving towards a more humanistic, less defeating and humiliating form to assess and measure students’ growth.

Join us on the quest, emphasizing the use of portfolios, not transcripts.


  • On-going, informal, anecdotal

These are short quizzes, teacher-developed, or from texts, that are intended to measure where a student is, so that the teacher will be aware of the student’s progress, and necessities.


  • Formative

     These are quizzes that a teacher uses to find out the students’ knowledge of a topic, so that the teacher will know how to plan future lessons for students’ growth.


  • Summative

     This is a «final exam» type of assessment, where the teacher will give a variety of types of questions or activities, or projects for the students to demonstrate what they have learned about the topic, theme, or unit of study.


NOTE: The terms «Formative» and «Summative» are becoming obsolete. In their place, educators are using «progress evidence», or similar terms, indicating that learning is progressive, gradual, and on-going. Furthermore, «tests» or «exams» do NOT actually measure what a student knows, can produce, or can exhibit. They only exhibit good test-taking techniques. Consequently, 21st century educators are moving more towards portfolios and assessments, not transcripts and examinations.


  • Tools to assess: 

            Rubrics, checklists, portfolios



SAMPLE #1  Rubric assessment tool for your project


FRONT SIDE:                       



by   Elaine  Gallagher, Ph.D.


20  points     =   100 %                        EXCEEDING EXPECTATIONS!

18                  =     95%                        EXCELLENT!

16                  =     90 %                      VERY GOOD!

14                  =     85%                         GOOD

12                 =     80%                        MEETING EXPECTATIONS

10                    =    75%                      MINIMUM

  8 or below    =                                   NOT ACCEPTABLE

  Re-doing the project

                       =      65 – 50%             BELOW EXPECTATIONS

Your improved project must be re-submitted on the 3rd class day after you receive notice to re-submit it.

There is NO option to fail.

Students can help each other…but there is to be NO adult help!!!!


STUDENT: ______________________________________________________

PROJECT TITLE:__________________________________________________

SCORE:      __________     ADDITIONAL  COMMENTS



Quality Points




Creativity/ Originality The project exhibits 4 to 6 forms of expression  (art, music, writing, pictures, etc.), all of which show a great deal of thought and planning in the creative or unusual way that the project is presented. The project exhibits 2 or 3 forms of expression  (art, music, writing, pictures, etc.), which show some planning in the area of creativity for the project concept. The project uses only 1 method to present the information. The work is mundane. There is no strong spark of creativity evidenced.
Content Completeness The student included most of the guidelines in the project description, plus, he/she added more ideas so that the project is thoroughly complete. The project is good, but several important guidelines provided were ignored, yet the student did not replace them with other ideas. The project was not complete. Many important items weremissing and project appeared incomplete.
Depth of Knowledge Exhibited The level of vocabulary and content material appear to be at a maturity level equivalent to high school, with evidence of research exhibited in the final product. The student understands and expresses work at a high level, and at a depth that good students, serious about their work, will often exhibit. Research is evidenced in the project. Vocabulary used is at grade level. Very little evidence of research. The vocabulary level exhibited is below grade level of the student.
Attention to Detail Neatness and effort are clearly evident, with obvious attention to the smallest detail. Drawings, exhibits, written work, models, etc. are first-class! The work is neat with very few errors in the written or model material.A few details are overlooked (such as forgetting to paint one side of a model). Project seems rushed with little attention to details. Appears to be of first draft quality rather than a finished product.



SAMPLE #2   Proof.Reading Checklist for Students


(To be used by students to check their work. Students may work and help each other to check written material.)

    Your name: ______________  Date ______

  • ___  Did I spell all the words correctly? 
  • ___  Did I indent each paragraph? 
  • ___  Did I write each sentence as a complete thought? 
  • ___  Do I have any run-on sentences?
  • ___  Did I begin each sentence with a capital letter? 
  • ___  Did I use capital letters correctly in other places? 
  • ___  Did I end each sentence with the correct punctuation mark? 
  • ___  Did I use commas, apostrophes, and other punctuation correctly? 
  • ___  Did I read my paper aloud to myself or to a friend?


SAMPLE #3.    STUDENT’S NAME: _________________________________                                


Sometimes you may want to use a different way to evaluate or score your students’ work.  Here is a list of several ways: points, words, or percentages. Feel free to use them as you want. 

            5 = Excellent / Exceeding expectations (95-100)

             4 = Very good /Above expectations (85-94)

             3 = Average / Meeting expectations (80-84)

             2 = Below average/ Below expectations (74-79)

             1= Should be much better / Minimum effort exhibited (below 74)



TOPIC OF SPEECH    ____________________________________

A sample RUBRIC to assess oral presentations & listening






Speaks Clearly Speaks clearly and distinctly all (100-95%) the time, and mispronounces no words. Speaks clearly and distinctly all (100-95%) the time, but mispronounces one word. Speaks clearly and distinctly most ( 94-85%) of the time. Mispronounces more than one word. Often mumbles or cannot be understood OR mispronounces many words.
Preparedness Student is completely prepared and has obviously rehearsed. Student seems pretty prepared but might have needed a couple more rehearsals. The student is somewhat prepared, but it is clear that rehearsal was lacking. Student does not seem at all prepared to present.
Posture and Eye Contact Stands up straight, looks relaxed and confident. Establishes eye contact with everyone in the room during the presentation. Stands up straight and establishes eye contact with everyone in the room during the presentation. Sometimes stands up straight and establishes eye contact. Slouches and/or does not look at people during the presentation.
Listens to Other Presentations Listens intently. Does not make distracting noises or movements. Listens intently but has one distracting noise or movement. Sometimes does not appear to be listening but is not distracting. Sometimes does not appear to be listening and has distracting noises or movements.
Enthusiasm Facial expressions and body language generate a strong interest and enthusiasm about the topic in others. Facial expressions and body language sometimes generate a strong interest and enthusiasm about the topic in others. Facial expressions and body language are used to try to generate enthusiasm, but seem somewhat faked. Very little use of facial expressions or body language. Did not generate much interest in topic being presented.

In this rubric, a score of ONE is the lowest and FOUR is the highest. Students should have access to the rubric before they have a speaking assessment so that they will be able to set their goals.


20  = Highest score     

11 – 15 = Meeting expectations   

16 – 20 = Exceeding expectation

5 – 10 = Below expectations

5  = Lowest score   


  • Projects

            SAMPLE #5.    VARIOUS PROJECTS



Due on _____________ 

You will have to investigate about a kind of plant or animal, make a model about it, and present it in class.

  • You will gather information about the animal or plant you chose to investigate by ________________ (date).

My team chose to investigate about: _________________________________________

  1. You will bring art material to the classroom to create an image of your plant or animal. When you finish you will stick it onto a craft stick.
  2. You will present your animal or plant to your classmates explaining the characteristics of your animal or plant.

 You will work in your project in the classroom everyday so there is no need to work at home.


  1. An image of my animal or plant so we can glue it onto a craft sticks and then to a Styrofoam block to create a forest.
  2. Use materials that you already have and use your imagination!!!                                                          The more creative you are the better project you will have.

Get as much information as you can from different resources such as brochures, magazines, and the internet.


Assessment Criteria
  • Oral presentation:                                                                            
                        Fluency                                  20
                        Pronunciation                       20
  • Investigation                                    30
  • Craft of animal or plant                  30

                                     TOTAL                   100 %




Due on ___________________


To create a community map that shows what can be found in a community.


  • Nonfiction picture books and magazines.
  • Poster board.
  • Pencil, paper.
  • Markers, glue, scissors.


Have groups find samples of maps to show the class. Show them how they can use simple graphs to obtain helpful information such as the population of an area.


Discuss with children what kinds of places are found within their community, Help children make a list of things they would like to include on their map.


Children are going to use the list from class to start drawing a map about their neighborhood. Children are going to prepare a brief explanation of the things that can be found near their homes.

 “Complete the map”

Have children complete their maps and then display them for the class. Have them explain where they placed things within their community.

Assessment Criteria 

  • Oral presentation                                                                             
                        Fluency                                   20
                        Pronunciation                       20
  • Research and preparation             30
  • Map                                                   30

                                     TOTAL                   100 %


PROJECT: Dinosaurs


Due on ___________________________        


  • Interview a dinosaur.
  • Half the group will take the dinosaur´s role, and the other half will take the interviewer´s role
  • Students will create a puppet that represents each character.
  • The puppet will be free style, but very original.


  • Oral Presentation:
                        Complete information                      40
                        Loud/clear/pronunciation              30
                        No reading                                         10
  • Creativity of your puppet                           20

                                                  TOTAL                   100 % 


PROJECT: Creating a machine


Due on __________________________________

Objectives: To work as a team and to create a new machine, explaining its use. 


  • Form a team of 5 students
  • Make a design of a machine and a list of the materials needed.
  • Build the machine with recycled material: play dough, news paper, stones, foam, leaves, branches, fabric, etc
  • Bring the material from your house. Work must be done at school.
  • You will make a poster describing how the machine works, what are its parts and why you decided to create it. What does it do?
  • You will present your machine to the class .
  • Each member of the team must explain something when you present.             

    Your team will present on  ______________.


  • Originality, creativity and design                    20                                          
  • Use of recycled materials                                 10
  • Team work                                                         10
  • Oral Presentation:
                        Explanation                                              20
                        Loud/clear pronunciation                     20
                        No reading…Know the material well. 10
                       Fluency                                                      10
                                                        TOTAL                   100 %              


ANOTHER PROJECT:  “Amazing people”

GRADES 5 – 8

Due on ___________________________


  • Students in pairs will talk about famous people who have brought important achievements to society or to general history around the world.
  • You MUST use as much information as you can get from different resources about the famous person you chose.
  • You have to share work in teams. Teacher will announce the day when you give the presentation.
  • You CANNOT read during your presentation.
  • Both team members must speak during the presentation…about 2-3 minutes each.


  • newspaper
  • glue
  • paints
  • paper
  • cardboard


  • Name of the person and achievements he/she has made.
  • A poster with biography of the person you will be talking about. .
  • Highlight and mention the things he/she has made and explain how these changes       have influenced history or society.


  • Oral presentation
                         Talking loudly/Pronunciation                   20
                         Fluency                                                          15
                        Use of correct grammar                              15
  • Creativity of the presentation and poster            20
  • Use of the requested material                                10
  • Poster with information                                          20

                                                               TOTAL                   100 %                     



5TH – 8th GRADES

Due on: _______________


  • You will work with your team to develop two things:
  1. A restaurant, describing what kind it is, what people it attracts (rich, families with kids, etc.)  what it looks like, how big it is, and its decorations: You can draw a picture, or cut out pictures to show it.
  2. Develop a menu for your restaurant, with food, drinks, desserts, etc. and realistic prices.
  • You MUST use as much information as you can get from various resources.
  • EACH team will present ONE original copy of the menu, and a sheet listing the name of each team member and his/her contribution to the whole project. (Who did the writing? Who did the drawings? Who……? etc.)
  • A team assessment sheet must be attached.
  • The menu needs to look realistic.

 ASSESSMENT CRITERIA      (Maximum Total 100 pts) 

  • Correct grammar use, and correct spelling                25
  • Creativity of the activity                                               15
  • Contents of the written work                                        25                                          
  • Neatness and overall organization of the material     20
  • Drawings, pictures, photos, graphics                            15





Assessed by Teacher, Peer, or Self

Person Presenting: ____________________________

Topic: _____________________________________

Please rate each of the following criteria on a scale of 1 to 5:

(needs improvement >)   1      2      3        4       5    ( <excellent) 

      RATING 1.  ___ The presenter spoke clearly. I could understand the words easily. 2.  ___ The presenter spoke at a good volume: not too loud, not too soft.

 3.  ___ The presenter spoke at a good pace….not too fast, not too slow.

 4.  ___ The presenter faced the audience and made eye contact.

 5.  ___ The presenter appeared relaxed and enthused about the topic.

 6.  ___ The presenter stood up straight with good posture.

 7.  ___ The presenter used effective hand gestures.

 8.  ___ The presenter made eye contact with me.

 9.  ___ The introduction caught my attention so that I wanted to hear more.

10. ___The presenter provided some good examples, and/or had a prop to show.

11. ___The conclusion wrapped up the speech with a clear ending.

12. ___ I found this topic interesting. and well-presented.

Comments/Specific Notes on Strengths and Weaknesses

12 – 24 = Below expectations

25 – 36 = Meeting low expectations

37 – 48 = Meeting high expectations 

49 – 60 = Exceeding expectations 


SAMPLE  # 7. A sample RUBRIC to assess oral presentations & listening


STUDENT    ________________________________________

TOPIC OF SPEECH    ________________________________

A sample RUBRIC to assess oral presentations & listening






Speaks Clearly Speaks clearly and distinctly all (100-95%) the time, and mispronounces no words. Speaks clearly and distinctly all (100-95%) the time, but mispronounces one word. Speaks clearly and distinctly most ( 94-85%) of the time. Mispronounces more than one word. Often mumbles or cannot be understood OR mispronounces many words.
Preparedness Student is completely prepared and has obviously rehearsed. Student seems pretty prepared but might have needed a couple more rehearsals. The student is somewhat prepared, but it is clear that rehearsal was lacking. Student does not seem at all prepared to present.
Posture and Eye Contact Stands up straight, looks relaxed and confident. Establishes eye contact with everyone in the room during the presentation. Stands up straight and establishes eye contact with everyone in the room during the presentation. Sometimes stands up straight and establishes eye contact. Slouches and/or does not look at people during the presentation.
Listens to Other Presentations Listens intently. Does not make distracting noises or movements. Listens intently but has one distracting noise or movement. Sometimes does not appear to be listening but is not distracting. Sometimes does not appear to be listening and has distracting noises or movements.
Enthusiasm Facial expressions and body language generate a strong interest and enthusiasm about the topic in others. Facial expressions and body language sometimes generate a strong interest and enthusiasm about the topic in others. Facial expressions and body language are used to try to generate enthusiasm, but seem somewhat faked. Very little use of facial expressions or body language. Did not generate much interest in topic being presented.

In this rubric, a score of ONE is the lowest and FOUR is the highest. Students should have access to the rubric before they have a speaking assessment so that they will be able to set their goals.


20        =          Highest score

11 – 15 =         Meeting expectations   

16 – 20 =         Exceeding expectations

5 – 10   =          Below expectation

5          =          Lowest score    






SELF-QUIZ #1: Human Relation Skills

Use the scale to plot where you think you are today.  You can check yourself again over the next several months, scoring with a different color pen.

Each number on the scale corresponds to the seven characteristics we just covered, Good Human Relations Skills».

            Mark the answers to these questions on the graphs that follow, selecting LOW, NORMAL, or HIGH.

                         #1. My sense of humor is:

                         #2. My level of empathy with others is:

                         #3. My sincerity level is:

                         #4. My level of dependability is:

                         #5. I have a wide variety of personal experiences, such as taking trips, hopes, extensive reading, seeing  plays, films, concerts, opera, symphonies, etc:

                         #6. I am a dynamic speaker.

                         #7. The level of my self-confidence is:


Place yourself along the scale at a number that describes your levelat this time.  Use a different color ink or marker for future assessments in order to plot progress.  There are three opportunities to check your progress.  Perhaps once every 4th month you can give yourself this quiz to see how you grow during a year.

Date:        ___________                    Date: ___________                    Date: _________  

Average score: _______         Average score: ________           Average score: _______


  1 (low level)                                    5 (normal level)                                10 (high level)


       1           2          3          4           5             6          7         8           9             10

#2 ________________________________________________________________

         1          2           3          4            5           6          7         8           9               10


        1          2          3          4             5           6          7          8           9               10


       1          2          3          4             5           6           7          8           9                10


       1          2          3          4            5           6            7          8           9                10

#6 _______________________________________________________________

       1          2          3          4            5          6            7           8          9                10

#7 _______________________________________________________________

       1          2          3           4           5          6            7           8           9               10


What is your average in the area of good human relation skills

To find the average, add the numbers you circled to find the sum. Then divide the sum by 7. That will give you an average at this time.

Re-take it in 4 – 6  months.  Note your improvement.

With practice and experience, your human relations skills will become more refined.  Remember to plot this score at the end of these 7 tests, to obtain an overall view of where you are on the road to being a GREAT teacher.


SELF-QUIZ #2: Good Planning Skills

In this quiz, you will answer “Always” (worth 4 points), “Never”(1 point), “Sometimes”(3 points), or “Rarely” (2 points). Place an X under the qualifier that most honestly responds to these statements.













1.  I preview thoroughly every text I use before I present it to my students.        
2.  I make yearly plans consistently every year.        
3.  I review my yearly plans from time to time to make sure I am staying within my schedule.        
4.  I make weekly plans.        
5.  My weekly plans are completed at least two-three weeks in advance.        
6.  I make my weekly plans once a month, four weeks at a time, based on my monthly plans.        
7.  I specifically list which vocabulary words will be studied in my lesson plans.        
8.  I list page numbers and topics in my plans.        
9,  I make sure to include ideas of modified work for special-needs students in my classes.        
10.  I include at least one group activity and/or a music/art activity in my weekly plans.        

How did you do?   Add up your points.  What is your total? ________                       

30 points is a good score.

Below 20 points: You need to concentrate on areas to be improved and begin a plan with a few colleagues so that you can improve your planning skills.


SELF-QUIZ #3:  Classroom Management


This quiz will be checking your management skills.  Give yourself 5 points for every “Yes”, 3 points for every “Sometimes”, and 1 point for every “No”.









1.  I post class rules on the wall in my classroom.      
2.  I post class rules on the wall in my classroom.      
3.  I also list consequences with the rules list.      
4.  I also list group & individual rewards on the rules list.      
5.  I group chairs/tables/desks for cooperative learning activities.      
6.  I have examples of students’ work posted on the walls.      
7.  My students are respectful and quiet when I speak.      
8.  Students’ noise level is acceptable.      
9.  Students follow directions the first time.      
10. Students are in their seats when class begins.      
11. Students come to class with all the tools they need: pencil/pen/notebook, etc.      
12. My students are well-behaved and allow me to teach with rare disruptions.      

What is the total of your points?       __________

(36 points is an average score.)          My score


SELF-QUIZ #4: Teaching Strategies (A)

Give yourself 2 points for each technique listed below that you have used in the past two weeks.

Check each one you have used in the right hand column.

Add up the check marks and multiply by 2 for your score.

YOUR SCORE: _______

A score of 20 is average.

Technique +2 each
1.  I say a student’s name after I ask the question.  
2.  I have and use flash cards with students’ names for calling on them.  
3.  I consistently teach using higher levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy.  
4.  My teaching always includes vocabulary development.  
5.  I vary the activities in my class, such as writing, speaking, etc.  
6.  My explanations always include examples of what I’m teaching.  
7.  I avoid calling on students in a predictable way, such as by rows.  
8.  I have singing or creative art activities to keep interest high.  
9.  When a student doesn’t know the answer, I prompt him/her.  
10. I have activities or questions that reach Bloom’s highest level.  
11. I frequently ask questions as I teach to promote understanding.  
12. I vary types of responses I expect: group, individual, oral, written.  
13. My lessons reach at least the application level on Bloom’s Taxonomy.  
14. I call on EVERY student at least once every two days.  
15. I want to be the best teacher I can be and look for ways to improve.  



SELF-QUIZ # 5: Teaching Strategies (B)


This quiz is to check your general awareness of some strategies.  Give yourself 5 points for each “Yes”, 3 points for each “Sometimes”, and 1 point for each “No”.  Then add up your total points.

 How many points? _______

30 points is an average score.

1.  I spend less than 5 minutes on non-teaching tasks in my class.  
2.  My students are on-task 90% of the time.           
3.  My students know my rules well and follow them.  
4.  I have a system of rewards and consequences for my students.  
5.  I communicate with the parents of my students.  
6.  I have high expectations for all my students.  
7.  My students have high expectations of me, and expect the best.  
8.  I arrange the environment in my class to allow motivation to grow and bloom within my students.  
9.  I vary activities about every 15-20 minutes.  
10. Students feel comfortable yet challenged in my classroom.  
11. I have developed at least 5 negative consequences for students.  
13. I have developed at least 5 positive consequences for students.  
14. My students are aware of the + and – consequences I have.  
15. I believe I have done a good, effective job at least 3 – 4 days every week.  


SELF-QUIZ # 6: Knowledge of Content


Teachers of various subject matter will be taking this self-quiz, so it will be generic, but it will also take into consideration the more well-read and well-rounded we are (and I don’t mean body shape), the more interesting we can be for our students.  The more interesting we are, the more students learn because they come to our classes more highly motivated. Also remember, more experienced teachers may score better than newer teachers.  As in any career, there are some benefits to experience on the job.

Each item on the list is worth 1-10 points.  Check off the ones that apply to you. Then add the corresponding points, shown in the parenthesis, to see where you are on the scale of knowledge of content.  A score of 40 points is average. If you score 80 or above, your students are very lucky to have you as their teacher.

     YOUR TOTAL SCORE: ________________ 

1.  I have fewer than 5 years of teaching experience.                                       


2.  I have 10 or more years of teaching experience.


3.  I have held at least 2 other paying jobs besides my teaching job.


4.  I have the equivalent of a Bachelor’s degree: 4 years university.


5.  I have a Master’s degree: 6 years university.


6.  I have a Ph.D. or other Doctor’s degree.


7.  I have traveled to 2 continents including North America.


8.  I have traveled to 3 continents or more, including North America.


9.  I have lived and worked for at least one year in another country besides my country of birth.


10. I know two languages well, including my native language.


11. I read for pleasure at least 10 hours per week.


12. This school year I have taken at least one course or seminar of duration 10 hours or more.


13. I meet with colleagues regularly (at least 2 times a month) and we talk about school, students, our jobs, the classes we teach.


14. I use the Internet regularly to find ideas to enhance my teaching.


15. I use films, slides, and/or guest speakers to enhance my class.


16. I have taken my students on at least one field trip this year.


17. Besides books for pleasure, I often (monthly) read books or articles about teaching, or to enhance my general knowledge.



SELF-QUIZ # 7: Selection & Use of Texts and Materials


This quiz will check your use of materials, exemplifying your ability to be creative in the use and choice of texts and materials. Score 5 points for every YES, and 1 point for every NO.  40 points is an average score.

Your score: ______________

1.  I use the chalkboard/whiteboard/ i-Pad, at least 3 times per week.  
2.  I use an educational film at least once each grading period.  
3.  I go to a library or book store once a month to learn more.  
4.  I know how to prepare Power Point programs, and give one or two Power Point lessons per semester.  
5.  I make posters or charts twice a month to use in my teaching.  
6.  I involve students monthly in a creative activity (art/music/filming/acting/role playing/poetry-prose writing, etc).  
7.  I have at least one hands-on project per marking period.  
8.  I have served, or am willing to serve, on a teacher education team.  
10.  I often bring supplementary materials to enhance my class.  
11. I know how to use an i-pad, Power Point or transparencies, and use them in class.  
12. I find myself reading texts or magazines in my field at least twice a month so I can learn new ideas.  
13. I believe that I am a creative and interesting teacher.  
14. I may NOT be interesting or creative, BUT I want to be, so I’ll work hard to learn to improve my skills.  


                        Interpretation of My Seven Self-Quiz Scores


Add up the scores to all quizzes.  Use the final sum to rate yourself at this point in your career. Check your final sum total against the scale listed below.  Re-take the test every four to six months so that you can plot your progress.

A second scoring place is included in the chart below.

Even when you arrive at the score you want, keep checking yourself so that you will always be aware of your personal level of knowledge, implementation of proven techniques, and professionalism as a teacher. 


Minimum Score

Maximum Score

Your Score(First time)

Your Score(Second time)

#1.  Human Relation Skills





#2.  Good Planning Skills





#3.  Classroom Management





#4. Teaching Strategies (A)





#5. Teaching Strategies (B)





#6. Knowledge of Content





#7. Selection & Use of Texts





T O T A L       





                                   INTERPRETATION OF YOUR TOTAL SCORE:


1-80:  You are either a new teacher, who can improve with good mentoring, or a person who should consider another career because this score places you in the lowest 25% and teaching may not be the best choice for you. 

81-176: You are having some trouble and you’re struggling in teaching,either with your students or with yourself.  Frustration level is high. You need to join a group of other teachers who can support each other, or ask your principal or team leader to assign you a mentor to give you support  while you are developing skills that they have identified you  need.

177-270:  You are above average and on your way to being an effective and efficient teacher.  You have skills in a variety of areas and you are respected by students and colleagues.  With more time and growth, you will be among the top teachers in your field.

271-above:  You are in the top 25th percentile in your career. That is to say that 75% of other teachers have scored lower than you on these various self-quizzes.  Keep up the great work, stay current in your area by reading, coursework, or workshops.  Share your talents with other newer or less successful teachers. We’re all in this together, and need to do what’s best for our students by helping each other..


This is the end of Part 6.

Next, on to part 7, «Teacher Resources»