Critical thinking - UNOi Internacional
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Critical thinking

by Elaine Gallagher                            In a recent story printed in this column, «Louie, the Lonely Polar Bear», there was a very obvious error… not a simple, typographical error, put there to see if anyone would notice. But…..So far, no one has written to correct the error.             Have you noticed it? If so, let us […]

Autor: UNOi

Fecha: 10 de diciembre de 2012

Foto: Diego Devesa Laux

by Elaine Gallagher           

                In a recent story printed in this column, «Louie, the Lonely Polar Bear», there was a very obvious error… not a simple, typographical error, put there to see if anyone would notice.

But…..So far, no one has written to correct the error.

            Have you noticed it? If so, let us know, and supply the correction. Teachers need to think critically, too, not just encourage our students to use their brains.

            The first person who submits the correction to will win a book written by Elaine Gallagher, «My Very First English/English Primary Dictionary», suitable for 3rd grade students and above, with over 1,000 words, simple definitions, sample sentences using every word in context, colored drawings, and some charts and graphs of numerals and words. OR (YOU CHOOSE), «My English/English Dictionary for Secondary/Middle School Students», also with 1,000 words, colored pictures, charts/ graphs, and sample sentences for every word.


More brain teasers:

  1. Who originated the phrase, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.”
  2. What was Mozart’s middle name?
  3. What is the name of the star cluster closest to Earth?
  4. How many square meters equals a hectárea?
  5. What is a human’s normal body temperature, using Fahrenheit degrees?


  1. Albert Einstein
  2. Amadeus
  3. Alpha Centuri
  4. 10,000 M2
  5. 98.6 degrees F.
