The English Corner - UNOi Internacional - Page 12
Necesito ayuda

Elaine Gallagher 00 cegBy Elaine Gallagher, Ph. D.   



            Most public schools in Brazil or Mexico, and many private schools, in pre-school and primary levels, have English only two or three times a week for 45 minutes each class. In secondary, there is less time, about 2 hours a week.

Therefore, teachers will need to use the English time as wisely as possible, having procedures and routines in place to allow optimum Academic Learning Time in the English class.

             With such a small amount of time, emphasis must be placed on the oral language development and the social – cultural development of the students in order to reach PNIEB (Plan Nacional de Inglés en Educación Básica) goals.


            (CENNI = Certificación Nacional de Nivel de Idioma)

            The organization of cycles and time blocks with many national plans is shown below. Obviously, if English classes are conducted only 90 -129 minutes per week, reaching levels of CEFR will not be as rapid as if classes were 1/2 day English and 1/2 day Spanish as in Spain’s public schools, or many private schools in Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, and El Salvador.







K3     1      2

3      4

5      6     1

2       3



A 1

A 2

B 1


-1  1  +1  2  3

4     5

6       7

8      9

 CENNI identifies levels of English evidenced from beginners to advanced students. The highest level of CEFR expected in Mexican public schools is B-1, expected to be reached by the end of secondary.



               In the late 1980’s, more than twenty European countries began to research and document what skills and abilities needed to be exhibited to demonstrate language knowledge, in reading, writing, speaking, and listening, under various situations: social, professional, family, academic, and professional, etc. 

            After much work, in 1991, in Switzerland, the consortium of language educators and linguistic specialists,  presented their findings and recommendations in a 265 page document, named, «Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment».

         What they succeeded to do was to specifically list observable actions, which would exhibit language ability under a variety of circumstances, and at various levels.

They divided language abilities, for any language, into six classifications: A-1, A-2, B-1, B-2, C-1, C-2, with A-1 being the basic level, and C-2 the most proficient level.

         See the following three charts (#1, #2,  #3) to obtain a clearer picture of the CEFR. You can see that the six levels are clearly divided.

         Notice that first grade of primary is NOT usually considered to be at the A-1 level because most young children do not have the smoothness or fluency that A-1 level would exhibit.


Part 5 - Chart 1 

Following, is another chart (#2) that explains a bit more of the CEFR.


A summary of the six levels of the CEFR..

Part 5 - Chart 2


Global View: Common Levels of Reference for Language Acquisition

Common European Framework:  Standards for Language

            If you want to see a narrative summary of the six levels, here is a very brief summary of the 265 pages so you can get a general idea of the CEFR.


All of the qualifiers listed in the levels below, PLUS:




C 2

Can understand practically everything, reading, writing, listening, and speaking, almost as a native speaker. Can express spontaneously, with great fluency, and can present, with a great degree of precision, with an ample vocabulary, in a very coherent manner.


C 1

Is able to use the language in a fluent and flexible form. Can produce clear writing and speaking. Is able to use the language in social, academic, and professional situations. The language use is well-structured, fluid,  and spontaneous. Uses the mechanics of a language with precision and fluency.





B 2

Can understand the principal ideas of texts, and can work with concrete and abstract ideas within their age range or their area of specialization. They can write clearly and detailed and can defend themselves in the language, giving pros and cons of their opinion.


B 1

Can understand in some work or school situations. Can use the language to survive when traveling where language is utilized. Can describe experiences, and can briefly give an opinion or express future plans.






A 2

Can understand phrases and expressions if used frequently, especially if they are relevant and useful in school, home, work, shopping, and restaurants. Can describe things in their environment in simple terms, using present or past references. Can ask about things that are of basic necessities: food, sleep, bathroom, etc.


A 1

Can understand and use expressions of daily habits, such as «Hello. How are you?» Can ask basic questions about home, preferences, personal belongings, to persons they know.  Can understand others if they speak slowly and clearly and have an attitude of helping the new language learner. Can give their name and address to friends, and use simple phrases to meet personal needs. Is fluent, speaking smoothly.


            Once the Common European Framework Reference was established and accepted, and publishers were required to eliminate the traditional designations of «Advanced», «Intermediate», and «Beginning» levels, language learning and teaching began to change.

            Publishers had to indicate on the front cover of their language teaching books, a small circle of yellow stars (representing the European Union); within the circle, the language level of the text had to be indicted, such as «A-1» or «B-2», etc.

            Once this was in effect, schools and teacher-preparation programs had a dilemma. They asked, » How do we teach languages to students so they will reach the levels of the CEFR?»

            This was a serious problem, because since the CEFR emphasized oral fluency, bi-cultural knowledge, projects, small group activities, life-long learning, among other things, schools were not prepared. Most language courses were very traditional, with memorization, translations, workbooks to complete,  grammar emphasis, phonics, fill-in-the-blanks, copying, language patterns to complete, all of which presented fake, artificial communication styles…

             » I am… are…..he is…….she is……we are….you are…they are…..»

does not lead anyone to language fluency.

Nor does:   » I go.» ….»He goes.» …..»I went.»  …»They went.»…etc.

            No one talks that way, so it was obvious that the traditional way of language teaching would not obtain the desired results of oral fluency, the kind of ability needed in the 21st Century.

            Linguistic experts and language educators began to meet in Finland at the University of Jyvaskyla, in Helsinki, Finland. The diverse group of educators, from 20 + countries, headed by David Marsh, investigated many language teaching programs in order to plan what they would recommend to the European Union in keeping with CEFR goals.


            Long-term planning is essential so that teachers will know where they are going during the entire school year. Chapter titles, units, sections, or major themes are outlined, month-by-month, with the number of text pages to be taught each month are calculated. This helps the long-term, so that the end of the school year does not arrive with much material undone.

            Short-term planning is based on the long-term plans, with more specific notes on: what is to be taught, how, materials to use, ways to exhibit the learning, assessments, explained in blocks of time, such as for every two weeks, for example. Short-term plans should include the topics of the lesson, the methods, the materials, and the evidence that the learning took place.




The Physical Setting

The Atmosphere

The Observable Characteristics of a Well- Managed Classroom


The Teacher

The Environment

Considerations for the floor space

Consider the following:

Wall Space

Developing Classroom Procedures

Have Procedures Ready For….


            Good procedures emphasize the necessity of planning with the final goal in mind….

             You need to know where you want to arrive before you can plan how to get there. If oral fluency and social / cultural aspects of learning are to be the final goal, then we will need to plan in a way that sees us arriving there.

            More student talk, less teacher talk, more high level thinking and open-ended questions, plus teaching our children the social skills entwined with language, and the cultural awareness of countries and their languages…all should be part of the 21st Century excellent teaching.


This is the end of Part 5.

Next, on Part 6: ‘Assessments’


Elaine Gallagher 07 cegBy Elaine Gallagher, Ph. D.   



 The Learning Process and Scaffolding

       The learning process is different for each individual, because we have various learning patterns, learning preferences, distinct perceptions, and learning styles, as we have discussed previously in this book.

       No matter what our learning preferences are, there are specific areas of teaching that ALL learners can benefit from, and which are techniques that ALL teachers need to utilize daily.

       SCAFFOLDING is a term used to discuss the support of students so they can show success in areas that they might not able to de=o by themselves. Since the PNIEB supports students’ success, realizing that all students do not learn at the same rate, scaffolding is encouraged.

       A scaffold is a metal frame, used on the exterior of a building, to support construction workers, window-washers, or painters who are working on the building. They need the scaffold to support them as they work, so they won’t fall.

       Scaffolding is what a parent might do to support a baby that is learning to walk. They hold on, support the child, until the child can walk all alone.

        Scaffolding in the classroom is when the teacher supports the students on the road to success, by guided practice with written work, or whispered clues when a student doesn’t know an oral answer, or permitting students to work in pairs or small teams, helping each other.

       Other ways that teachers can provide scaffolding include the following:




            A professional educator sets procedures the first week of school, and continually reminds the students of each procedure until they become routine, with the students doing them automatically.

            The number one problem in the classroom is NOT discipline. It is the absence of procedures and routines.

            Following is a list of the types of things teachers can choose to establish as bases for procedures, leading to become routines with steady practice by students.

            Routines set up the class up for better learning, resulting in success…

Procedures to rehearse with students until they become routine

Entering the classroomGetting to work immediately

When students are tardy

End-of-period class dismissal

Listening to and responding to questions

Participating in class discussions

When you need pencil or paper

Keeping your desk orderly

Checking out classroom materials

Coming to attention

When students are absent

Working cooperatively

Changing groups

Keeping a notebook

Going to the office

When visitors are in the classroom

Knowing the schedule for the day or class

Keeping a progress report

Finding directions for each assignment


Passing in papersExchanging papers

Returning student work

Getting materials without disturbing others

Handing out playground materials

Moving about the room

Going to the library or computer center

Headings on papers

When a student finishes work early

Asking a question

When a school-wide announcement is made

Walking in the hall during class time

Responding to a fire drill or other emergency

Responding to an earthquake

Responding to a severe weather report

If the teacher is out of the classroom

If a student is suddenly ill

Saying «Please» and «Thank you»


            This means that students need to know where to find the Table of Contents, or the Index, or the Glossary, or the Contents headings in the text book, etc. 

            Students need to be taught how to select the important information, how to outline, and how to summarize so they can make wise use of time, and utilize reading and listening skills.

            Teachers need to teach teamwork, not simply assign it. They need to assign roles for each student on a team. There needs to be a role for every child on a team for a team to function well and productively.


Learning Styles  and Teaching Styles

            Remember that you and your students learn in a variety of ways. We need to vary our teaching styles to meet their needs. 





Talks to selfReads aloudMemorizes easilyLikes spelling beesLikes to sing

Talks a lot

Likes music

Recalls numbers and facts


Likes pictures and bookLikes maps, charts, graphsFinds page in a book quicklyReads silently

Follows patterns well

Has good sense of shape

Proofreads well

Likes to draw & color

Notices details

Works puzzlesLikes manipulativesLikes to play with clay, mud, san

Likes to build things

Taps, hums, moves frequently

Feels, touches everything

Enjoys fixing things

Good at sports







Use tape recordersUse CD’s

Have spelling bees

Use phonics

Encourage rhyming

Sing songs

Read aloud to students

Use audio with films

Use chalkboardOverhead projector

Label things

Play matching games

Match cards: words with definitions

Fill-in words to songs on a worksheet, while listening

Draw pictures of a story

Show films

Use many manipulativesPicture puzzles

Play-acting, role play

Teach sign language

Form letters with clay

Dance, move to music

Act out a story

Produce a film





Part 4 Thinking Skills 


  1. Only speaks ENGLISH is English class, and ONLY Spanish in Spanish class.  Whatever language being taught, it is the only one spoken in class.
  2. NEVER translates. Gives examples in the target language or uses diagrams, pictures, drawings, or actions.
  3. Never lectures. Class work is always based on active participation.
  4.  Has students talking approximately 70% of the time.
  5. Uses «guided practice». = practice DIRECTLY monitored by the teacher.
  6. Precedes each class with a short review from the previous class, and has a preview of what today’s class will be. (A  FOCUS)
  7. Adapts and uses various examples for better understanding.
  8. Recognizes that real learning is based on understanding.
  9. Emphasizes high level vocabulary, never «talking down» to students.
  10. Speaks fluently, but at a normal pace, using high vocabulary.
  11. Varies questions, activities, and examples to avoid monotony
  12. Knows that most humans learn best visually, so uses many visuals: movies, Power Point lessons, computer-based programs & projector, etc.
  13. Never asks, “Do you understand?”.  The teacher tests the students’ knowledge by questioning them, during the lesson, not at the end. Checks for understanding by frequent questioning.
  14. Prepares the class thoroughly. Familiarizes him/herself with the books, materials,  and the use of teaching aides.
  15. Allows students to discover rules through practical examples. Never gives detailed, formal, and dry grammar lessons. Instead, students are challenged to USE correct grammar.
  16. Motivates and challenges students with new concepts through dialogue, gestures, contrast, analogies, differences, similarities, arts, music, physical activities, mental maps, and graphic organizers.
  17. Prompts a struggling student, then repeats the question, but never helps or interrupts a student who knows the answer.
  18. Makes positive corrections and follows up with a quick/short drill. Never imitates a student’s mistakes.
  19. Presents the students with frequent opportunities to review the material with questions, role play, graphic organizers, and summaries.
  20. Allows students to feel good about themselves, even when they make mistakes. Mistakes are normal when learning a language.
  21. Oral fluency, not grammatical structures, are most important.
  22. Always greets students in a cheerful manner. Begins and ends each lesson punctually. Never wastes time.
  23. Exhibits patience at all times. Never shows bad moods.
  24. Shows interest and concern for the students’ progress.
  25. Motivates and challenges students through brisk and interesting teacher-student exchange, asking questions that require high level, critical thinking.
  26. Helps students to feel appreciated and secure. Reduces the «filter» that blocks learning.
  27. Is fair to all students, calling on each one in an equitable manner, such as using students’ names on cards for a fair distribution of names.
  28. Realizes that language learning is an on-going life-time process. Uses rubrics, portfolios, and class participation as part of the assessment process.
  29. Uses cooperative learning, pair activities, and various interactions.
  30. Understands that in learning and language acquisition, the rule to remember is that RECOGNITION PRECEDES PRODUCTION. Great CLIL teachers knowthat students can recognize and understand vocabulary and many spoken words/phrases BEFORE they are actually able to produce them independently and spontaneously.



This is the end of Part 4.

Next, on to part 5: «Plannning»


Elaine Gallagher 10 cegBy Elaine Gallagher, Ph. D.  


Vygotsky, Bloom, Gardner, Goleman, UNESCO, Competencies, Buzan


                Mexico’s PNIEB (Plan Nacional de Inglés en Educación Básica) is based on a variety of theories, each if which is described below. The basic theory of language acquisition is that it’s a complex interaction between people, emphasizing social and cultural interactions, higher order thinking, group work, listening, and production. This eclectic approach is intended to reach the learner in a variety of ways, recognizing that we all learn using a variety of ways.

                The following topics in Part 3 will provide you with enough information so you can feel confident with the areas that the PNIEB is emphasizing as its base, but no so much that you are completely lost and overwhelmed with too much material.

[Since this part is quite large and some of its contents have been published before in The English Corner, we will put only the link for those already posted].


Social / cultural: Vygotsky


Higher order, critical thinking: Bloom


Multiple Intelligences: Dr. Howard Gardner


Emotional Intelligence: Goleman


In a 1994 report on the state of EMOTIONAL LITERACY in the USA, author Daniel Goleman stated,

       “The price we pay is failed marriages, troubled families,

       mental anguish, and tragedies, such as killings.”



These five abilities must be taught, gradually, over time, using examples, stories, modeling, films, and discussions.

  1. Self Awareness
  2. Mood Management
  3. Self-Motivation
  4. Empathy
  5. Managing Relationships


Key areas to develop in children in order to promote the          growth of the five emotional intelligences:

                                              Ability to Cooperate
                                              Capacity to Communicate



In other words, all the multiple intelligences in the world won’t matter if we haven’t developed emotional intelligence.

It is possible to improve our E.Q. (emotional quotient) by strengthening social / cultural abilities, creating awareness by using role play, films, stories, examples, modeling, and discussion.

Emotional development is crucial to academic success!




 Learning to Know

       Learning To Do

                       Learning to Live Together

                                       Learning To Be

                                                      RESULTS: Exhibiting the Learning




                This type of learning is concerned less with the acquisition of structured knowledge than with the mastery of learning tools. People have to learn to understand the world around them, at least as much as is necessary for them to lead their lives with some dignity, develop their occupational skills and communicate with other people.

                It is underpinned by the pleasure that can be derived from understanding, knowledge and discovery. That aspect of learning is typically enjoyed by researchers, but good teaching can help everyone to enjoy it. Even if study for its own sake is a dying pursuit with so much emphasis now being put on the acquisition of marketable skills, the raising of the school-leaving age and an increase in leisure time should provide more and more adults with opportunities for private study. The broader our knowledge, the better we can understand the many different aspects of our environment. Such study encourages greater intellectual curiosity, sharpens the critical faculties and enables people to develop their own independent judgments on the world around them.

                From that point of view, all children – no matter where in the world they live – must have a chance to receive an appropriate science education and become friends of science throughout their lives.


                This is closely associated with the issue of occupational training: how do we adapt education so that it can equip people to do the types of work needed in the future?

                Here we should draw a distinction between industrial economies, where most people are wage-earners, and other economies where self-employment or casual work are still the norm.

                In societies where most people are in paid employment, which have developed throughout the Twentieth Century, based on the industrial model, automation is making this model increasingly «intangible».

                 Now, in the 21st Century, the future hinges on the ability to turn advances in knowledge into innovations that will generate new businesses and new jobs. «Learning to do» can no longer mean what it did when people were trained to perform a very specific physical task in a manufacturing process. Skill training has to evolve and become more than just a means of imparting the knowledge needed to do a more or less routine job.


                Violence all too often dominates life in the contemporary world, forming a depressing contrast with the hope, which some people have been able to place in human progress. Human history has constantly been scarred by conflicts, but the risk is heightened by two new elements.

                First, there is the extraordinary potential for self- destruction created by humans during the twentieth century. Then, we have the ability of the new media to provide the entire world with information and unverifiable reports on ongoing conflicts.

                Public opinion becomes a helpless observer or even a hostage of those who initiate or keep up the conflicts. Until now, education has been unable to do much to mitigate this situation. Can we do better? Can we educate ourselves to avoid conflict or peacefully resolve it?

                While the idea of teaching non-violence in schools is certainly praiseworthy, it seems quite inadequate if we look at what is really involved. The challenge is a difficult one since people have a natural tendency to overestimate their own abilities or those of the group to which they belong, and to entertain prejudices against other people.

                Moreover, the general climate of competition that prevails in both domestic and international economies tends to turn competitiveness and personal success into modern values. In fact, this competitiveness is nowadays translated into a relentless economic war and a tension between rich and poor that breaks apart nations and the world and exacerbates historic rivalries. Regrettably, with its incorrect interpretation of what is meant by competition, education sometimes helps to sustain this state of affairs.


                At its very first meeting, UNESCO powerfully re-asserted a fundamental principle: education should contribute to every person’s complete development – mind and body, intelligence, sensitivity, aesthetic appreciation and spirituality.

                All people should receive in their childhood and youth an education that equips them to develop their own independent, critical way of thinking and judgment, so that they can make up their own minds on the best courses of action in the different circumstances in their lives.

                In this respect, UNESCO embraces one of the basic assumptions stated in the report Learning to Be:. the aim of development is the complete fulfillment of man, in all the richness of his personality, the complexity of his forms of expression and his various commitments – as individual, member of a family and of a community, citizen and producer, inventor of techniques and creative dreamer’.

                This human development, which begins at birth and continues all through a person’s life, is a process which is based both on self-knowledge and on relationships with other people. It also presupposes successful personal experience. As a means of personality training, education should be a highly individualized process and at the same time an interactive social experience.

5. RESULTS: Exhibiting the Learning

                Showing, demonstrating, or exhibiting the things children have learned is the final pillar of UNESCO’s pillars of education.

Building a bridge, drawing a picture, jumping over a puddle, reading a story and telling someone what it was about, solving a mathematical word problem, knitting a scarf, singing a song, playing a musical instrument, building a fire at a barbecue, writing a poem, playing a sport, driving a car, cooking a meatloaf, speaking fluently in a second or third language,  ………all of these are products showing what someone has learned.

Notice that «multiple choice test» is not on the list.

In the 21st Century, if you can’t do it, or can’t speak it, you don’t know it. UNESCO sees the Fifth Pillar of Education as being able to demonstrate what the student has learned.



A competency is a skill, at a level considered basic, that all students should be able to reach.


This list will help you see that competencies are varied, complete the human necessities for being productive, and can be applied to virtually all ages of people.


  1. Personal identity and autonomy
  2. Interpersonal relations
  3. Language & communication: oral and written
  4. Mathematical & logical
  5. Learning about our world: natural and social sciences
  6. Our world: culture and society
  7. Appreciation & expression: music, art, dance, crafts
  8. Drama & theatrical expression: acting
  9. Physical & motor coordination, strength and balance
  10. Health and safety

These are the basic, general, global competencies. The third one, «Language & communication: oral and written» is the competency most of interest and supported by the PNIEB.

A competency is a skill, an ability that someone has acquired and can demonstrate. When we use the term «COMPETENCY» in education, we usually are referring to a skill that could be academic, social, physical, mental, musical, artistic, moral…or a combination of all of those. Furthermore, «being competent» implies that someone has responsibility and high level thinking skills. 


These are part of the philosophy of learning in a STRONG English program.

There are general, global, international competencies, that can be more specifically adapted to each country’s needs and expectations. General competencies include the following:

COMPETENCIES are within the area where these three attributes overlap:

  1. Knowledge and comprehension
  2. Attitudes and values
  3. Abilities and skills

To work well with the idea of teaching to reach a «competency», teachers need to develop two major skills: 

 Competencies being demonstrated by children indicates that the learning process in being successful. They are basic to educational principles and objectives.




These are support tools which enhance teaching, learning, and language  development.

An educational leader with his own methods and theories about learning is TONY BUZAN.  While his ideas are not new, educators have used graphic organizers for generations, he has compiled them in a book about mind mapping which is being used world wide to help promote better teaching and learning. Tony Buzan has emphasized mind mapping, or use of graphic organizers as a method of better teaching.

The mind-mapping technique could also be called  a “graphic organizer”, even though Buzan prefers his system to be called «Mind Maps». Technically, any graphic, diagram, or chart that shows data, could be called a «graphic organizer».

Humans learn well from graphics, often better than with words, especially if the topic has several areas to be mastered.

When teachers use time lines, Venn diagrams, charts, graphs, etc. , the students’ learning and absorption of ideas and topics is much clearer and more complete.  Buzan’s work shows a wide variety of ideas on how to use the “mind maps”, supported by research.


Mind mapping is the process of visually depicting a central concept with symbols, colors, key words, and branches. Mind mapping is a fast and fun way to take visual notes, facilitate creativity, and improve students’ learning skills as they relate the visual/spatial intelligence. Mind maps may also be used to plan lessons or units and present information to students.

Every mind map must include:

Why Make A Mind Map?

Brain-Compatible Learning-Mind mapping reflects our natural thinking processes, and is a balanced, whole-brained approach to learning. As mind maps are created and viewed, both left and right brain processing styles are utilized. 

                                                                Mind Mapping

 1) Create the Central Image

In the center of the page, write the name of the topic and illustrate the central concept with a recognizable image. Make the central image large enough so you can see the subject of the mind map at a glance, but small enough to leave space to add main ideas and details radiating out of the central image.

2) Brainstorm Main Idea

Brainstorm the main ideas relating to the central topic. Around the central topic draw images or symbols to represent the main ideas. Connect the main ideas to the central image with branches, arrows, or spokes. Use key words on or around the main idea, or use the connecting line to identify the main idea. Alternatively, draw lines radiating out of the main image, with a key word on each line describing the main idea.

3) Add Details

Using colors, images, symbols, and words, draw related details branching out of each of the main ideas.

Steps to Mind Mapping

More About Mind Mapping

1. This is a fairly recent teaching technique based on brain research that proves that our thinking process is composed of several sensations at the same time. Sounds, music, word combinations, images, colors, and even smells, all work simultaneously to bring impressions to the brain. Perhaps because genetically we were programmed for images and symbols to be seen in our brains, (millions of years before the printed word had been invented), we still learn better and remember longer when we see images rather than only the printed word.

Mind mapping closely resembles how we naturally think, so it is a whole-brain experience, using both the right and left brains, combining affective (feeling) and cognitive (knowing) learning.

2. Mind mapping allows our students to see the entire concept graphically.  Sometimes, in fact, mind maps are called graphic organizers. Whereas 25 years ago, graphic organizers consisted of simple Venn diagrams, where two circles overlapped showing in the overlapped area the things in common that two items had, today graphic organizers come in all shapes and sizes.  The basic idea is that the students get to see the whole idea of a topic in a diagram.

The old-fashioned sentence diagrams, a common grammar task of 50 years ago, seldom used today, is an example of a mind map that showed the students graphically the parts of speech and how words in a sentence were used. Let’s learn how to diagram a sentence, and then teach your students.  It will make grammar much simpler for them to learn.

3. Mind mapping helps new learning to be planted in the brain so that students will remember more of what they see and draw.  When they see and draw diagrams and graphs, they remember more than if they only read about or heard about the information.

Fatal to real learning, which lasts in long term memory, (as opposed to temporary learning for the “test”), is having students do workbook pages, filling in blanks, or copying robot-like answers from questions at the end of the chapter. Be more creative, teachers, in giving assignments and class work! Engage the brain! Emphasize comprehension!

4. When teachers use mind mapping activities, four multiple intelligences are engaged simultaneously, resulting in better learning and comprehension for the students.  When comprehension is activated, students remember the material in their long-term memories. 

5. The four intelligences involved in mind mapping are: 



1. Create the center of the mind map, with a drawing and a few words.  Keep it simple but colorful, attracting attention to the middle as the main idea. An example could be DINOSAURS, with a small drawing or cut-out of a dinosaur.

2. Around the central image/words draw spokes, lines, arrows, branches, or hooks which connect these words to the main idea.  Have key words that relate to the main idea.  With dinosaurs as a main topic, you could draw different spokes saying things like: meat eaters, plant eaters, land dwellers, swamp, dwellers, flying dinosaurs.

3. The add details, branching out from each spoke, that help explain further.  You can also add pictures.  For example, under “meat eaters” you could write “Tyrannosaurus Rex”, and continue with specific names and drawings.

4. The idea is to keep the mind maps unique to each child.  They can work in teams cooperatively or individually.  Creativity and clarity of ideas help cement the learning in the brain.

5. A time line is another example of a mind map.  Have students keep personal time lines in their notes that continue as the year progresses. Coordinate with a classroom timeline.  Dates /events/persons/etc. can be written on 8.5×11” sheets of various colored paper, and taped/stapled high, where the wall meets the ceiling, for example, so that students are aware of the major concepts/dates you want them to learn long-ter.

                Picky facts  (such as naming a specific emperor of China in 503 B.C.) are worthless timewasters.  Much more important is that the students know that China had emperors and dynasties, and that China had major influences in the world since before our calendar even started, since 5000 years ago.  They should know that China insulated itself against the outside world, forbidding foreigners to enter until the mid 1800’s. Those are facts worthy of knowing, and they will be remembered using time lines and other mind maps.


Next issue: Part 4 – «Techniques to support a strong English Program»


Elaine Gallagher 05 cegBy Elaine Gallagher, Ph.D.   




            In the late 1980’s, more than twenty European countries began to research and document what skills and abilities needed to be exhibited to demonstrate language knowledge, in reading, writing, speaking, and listening, under various situations: social, professional, family, academic, and professional, etc. 

            After much work, in 1991, in Switzerland, the consortium of language educators and linguistic specialists,  presented their findings and recommendations in a 265 page document, named: «Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment».

             What they succeeded to do was to specifically list observable actions, which would exhibit language ability under a variety of circumstances, and at various levels.

They divided language abilities, for any language, into six classifications: A-1, A-2, B-1, B-2, C-1, C-2, with A-1 being the basic level, and C-2 the most proficient level.

See the following two charts to obtain a clearer picture of the CEFR.    

A summary of the six levels of the CEFR

Chart 1 – A summary of the six levels of the CEFR



Global View: Common Levels of Reference for Language Acquisition

If you want to see a narrative summary of the six levels, here is a very brief summary of the 265 pages so you can get a general idea of the CEFR .

  All of the qualifiers listed in the levels below, PLUS:





C 2

Can understand practically everything, reading, writing, listening, and speaking, almost as a native speaker. Can express spontaneously, with great fluency, and can present, with a great degree of precision, with an ample vocabulary, in a very coherent manner.


C 1

Is able to use the language in a fluent and flexible form. Can produce clear writing and speaking. Is able to use the language in social, academic, and professional situations. The language use is well-structured, fluid, and spontaneous. Uses the mechanics of a language with precision and fluency.





B 2

Can understand the principal ideas of texts, and can work with concrete and abstract ideas within their age range or their area of specialization. They can write clearly and detailed and can defend themselves in the language, giving pros and cons of their opinion.



Can understand in some work or school situations. Can use the language to survive when traveling where language is utilized. Can describe experiences, and can briefly give an opinion or express future plans.






Can understand phrases and expressions if used frequently, especially if they are relevant and useful in school, home, work, shopping, or restaurants.  Can describe things in their environment in simple terms, using present or past references. Can ask about things that are of basic necessities: food, sleep, bathroom, etc.



Can understand and use expressions of daily habits, such as «Hello. How are you?». Can ask basic questions about home, preferences, personal belongings, to persons they know.  Can understand others if they speak slowly and clearly and have an attitude of helping the new language learner. Can give their name and address to friends, and use simple phrases to meet personal needs. Is fluent, speaking smoothly.


              Once the Common European Framework Reference was established and accepted, and publishers were required to eliminate the traditional designations of «Advanced», «Intermediate», and «Beginning» levels, language learning and teaching began to change.

            Publishers now had to indicate on the front cover of their language teaching books, a small circle of yellow stars (representing the European Union).  Within the circle, the language level of the text had to be indicted, such as «A-1» or «B-2», etc.

            Once this was in effect, schools and teacher-preparation programs had a dilemma. They asked, «How do we teach languages to students so they will reach the levels of  the CEFR?»

            This was a serious problem, because since the CEFR emphasized oral fluency, bi-cultural knowledge, projects, small group activities, life-long learning, among other things, schools were not prepared. Most language courses were very traditional, with memorization, translations, workbooks to complete, grammar emphasis, phonics, fill-in-the-blanks, copying, language patterns to complete, all of which presented fake, artificial communication styles.

          » I am… are…..he is…….she is……we are….you are…they are…..»

  does not lead anyone to language fluency.

  Nor does:   » I go.» ….»He goes.» …..»I went.»  …»They went.»…etc.

            No one talks that way, so it was obvious that the traditional way of language teaching would not obtain the desired results of oral fluency, the kind of ability needed in the 21st Century.

            In 1991, linguistic experts and language educators began to meet in Finland at the University of Jyvaskyla, in Helsinki, Finland. The diverse group of educators, from 20 + countries, headed by David Marsh, investigated many language teaching programs in order to plan what they would recommend to the European Union in keeping with CEFR goals. The linguists looked at what worked and what was not so successful. Their goal was to implement a teaching philosophy for the acquisition of a second language.

            After looking at the positives and negatives of  30+ programs, the educators from 20 countries meeting in Finland to streamline,  simplify, and enhance language teaching, decided that they wanted to establish a PHILOSOPHY  based on the best practices of how languages are learned.

They named this philosophy:

                         «Content and Language Integrated Learning» (CLIL). 

           Dr. David Marsh, originally from Australia, currently living in Finland, was Chairman of the committee that forged CLIL. His work with the integration of subjects in order to better learn a language, became part of the basic CLIL philosophy..

          Much of the research on the «Natural Approach to Language Learning», by Dr. Stephen Krashen, from the USA, was also incorporated into the framework of CLIL philosophy. Information of Krashen’s work follows this section on CLIL. .

How should CLIL philosophy affect your teaching? What are its basic premises? 



Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) has become the umbrella term describing both learning another (content) subject such as physics or geography through the medium of a foreign language and learning a foreign language by studying a content-based subject.        


            Vary materials            .                                    Use visuals.

            Team & pair activities                                     Much oral production

             Use critical thinking.                                       Music, arts, crafts, physical activities

              Recognition precedes production.               Errors are O.K. Accuracy comes later.

Why is CLIL important?

                With the expansion of the European Union, diversity of language and the need for communication are seen as central issues. Even with English as the main language, other languages are unlikely to disappear. Some countries have strong views regarding the use of other languages within their borders. With increased contact between countries, there will be an increase in the need for communicative skills in a second or third language.

                Languages will play a key role in curricula across Europe,  and North, South, & Central America. Attention needs to be given to the training of teachers and the development of frameworks and methods  which will improve the quality of language education.

            The European Commission and various American countries have been looking into the state of  bilingualism and language education since the 1990s, and have a clear vision of a multilingual Europe in which people can function in two or three languages.

How does CLIL work??

            The basis of CLIL is that content subjects are taught and learnt in a language       which is not the mother tongue of the learners. Knowledge of the language becomes the means of learning content. Language is integrated into the broad curriculum. Learning is improved through increased motivation and the study of natural language seen in context. When learners are interested in a topic they are motivated to acquire language to communicate.

The advantages of CLIL                                 

CLIL in the classroom

CLIL assumes that subject teachers are able to exploit opportunities for language learning. The best and most common opportunities arise through reading texts. CLIL draws on the lexical approach, encouraging learners to notice language while reading. «Texts can be actual paper books, or in digital format, which is becoming more common and popular with learners because (1) Teachers can project the text for all to see. (2) It’s easier and faster to turn pages (3) They can use ear-plugs to listen to music as they read. (4) An i-pad is easier to carry than several textbooks,      

The future of CLIL

CLIL is here to stay. It’s not a fad. There is no doubt that learning a language and learning through a language are concurrent processes, but implementing CLIL requires a rethink of the traditional concepts of the language classroom and the language teacher.

The immediate obstacles seem to be:

            Until more and better CLIL training for teachers and materials issues are resolved, the immediate future remains with parallel rather than integrated content and language learning. The need for language teaching reform will make CLIL a common philosophy by many education systems in the the near future.

            Even though we may associate CLIL with oral fluency, which, yes, is an important component of CLIl, we cannot forget that writing, too, has to be practiced using authentic topics, not simply copying sentences or listing past tense verbs. Using content areas, encouraging students to work in pairs, helps with the creative process. Here are some ideas for writing experiences.



Charts                         Cartoons

Letters                        Short stories                         

Postcards                    Biographies

Conversations             Autobiography

Want ads                    Poems

Brochures                   How to do something…

Newsletters                Describing someone

Yearbooks                  Sketch of a famous person

Book blurbs (Mini-review)        Favorite movie

Thank you notes         Create a math problem

Greeting cards                        A class newspaper

Summaries                  A time line

Recipes                       A map of an imaginary place

Calendars                   A science fiction story

Lists (for shopping, gifts, parties, trips, things to do)


Studies are now beginning to prove that CLIL philosophy applied in the classroom is effective, not only in language acquisition, but also in the acquisition of academic knowledge in various subjects.                   (Vienna Working Papers)



One of the foundation ideas of CLIL


Dr. Stephen Krashen, as previously mentioned, was pivotal           in the development of the framework of CLIL philosophy. Following are some of his ideas, based on more than 30 years of linguistic research concerning the importance of language «acquisition» as opposed to «language learning».

                                         STEPHEN KRASHEN:
«Acquisition requires meaningful interaction in the target language – natural communication – in which speakers are concerned not with the form of their utterances but with the messages they are conveying and understanding.»

                                           STEPHEN KRASHEN:
«The best methods are therefore those that supply ‘comprehensible input’ in low anxiety situations, containing messages that students really want to hear. These methods do not force early production in the second language, but allow students to produce when they are ‘ready’, recognizing that improvement comes from supplying communicative and comprehensible input, and not from forcing and correcting production.»

                                             STEPHEN KRASHEN:
«In the real world, conversations with sympathetic native speakers who are willing to help the acquirer understand are very helpful.»

                                            STEPHEN KRASHEN:
«Language acquisition does not require extensive use of conscious grammatical rules, and does not require tedious drill.»






Coming up next issue:




Elaine Gallagher by Diego Devesa Laux

Elaine Gallagher by Diego Devesa Laux

 by Elaine Gallagher, Ph.D.    

         This book has 8 sections. UNO will present one section in each publication of UNONEWS English Corner for 8 issues. While the original book I wrote in 2012 was for the Secretary of Education in Mexico, pertaining to the PNIEB, (Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Educación Básica) I’ve updated the text to be able to apply it to any country, any school, any teacher, or any parent that wants to know more about how to design and support strong English programs.



            Being bilingual used to be for highly-motivated immigrants to various countries, or for people who needed a second or third language for a job, or for people living in countries, such as Switzerland, who have no specific language in their country, so they need to learn French, Italian, and German.  

            Now, in the 21st Century, with international world travel necessary for work and pleasure, with globalization making out-sourcing work to other countries common, and with English becoming more and more the lengua franca of the world of science, computers, technology, business, medicine, music, films, and best-selling novels, bilingualism is essential for economic, professional, and social success.             

         The following diagram shows the effects of globalization on education. It is fully explained in various sections of this book. It summarizes graphically the base for world-class bilingualism, and areas of knowledge and application for teacher-growth.

Success with bilingulism and CLIL

          As you can see from the chart above, GLOBALIZATION has led to the necessity of BILINGUALISM.

            Without clear designations of language levels, teachers, world-wide, were left to use exams, tests, or vague estimates to decide student and text levels. «Beginning», or «Intermediate», or «Advanced» were terms used to organize texts or class levels.

            Job vacancies asked for «80% English», or «75% French», or «100% Spanish».  What did those arbitrary percentages mean?

Did they mean that someone understood 80% of an English dictionary? Or that they understood 80% of a movie? Obviously, the percentages made no more sense than «Advanced English».

Why have a Bilingual Plan?

            Three goals should be kept in mind with any Bilingual Plan:

  1. To establish a program of studies (courses) in English
  2. To define and offer programs and texts, preferably digitalized (to keep  in step with 21st Century), which are congruent with the philosophy and objectives of second language acquisition
  3. To develop and contract many more English teachers

            Teaching English in our schools is not new. Private schools in many countries have included English in the curricula for two generations.

            Now, both public and private schools see the need for strong English programs that work. More and more schools, world-wide, are supporting English teachers with materials, staff development, and world-class information about CEFR , CLIL, and leading philosophies and theories on language acquisition, in order that teachers be well-prepared in the classroom.

            As more and more countries have initiated English programs, each            school with its own distinct focus, the need for a unified program, at national  levels, is becoming imperative.


            The focus of most national plans is based much more on the CEFR standards and on CLIL philosophy than on specific methods or philosophies previously emphasized in traditional language studies.

            GONE is the emphasis on grammar.

            GONE are translations from L-1 to L-2 and the reverse.

            GONE is emphasis on memorization.

            GONE is the focus on errors and mistakes.

            GONE are the endless lists, copying, and writing patterns.

            The emphasis now is the social interaction among the students, practicing orally the social and cultural aspects of the language to be taught…in this instance, English.

            Strong emphasis is given to Vygotsky’ssocial-cultural impact on language acquisition. Later in this book, we will look at Vygotsky’s research so you’ll be able to see the connection between his theories and the expectations of many national or world-class schools’ bilingual plans.

            There are three areas of concentration in most bilingual plans, which are closely related to UNESCO’s Five Pillars of Education, which we will see in Section Three of this book:

                        1. Understanding what to do with the language…..

                                               how to use it, when to use it,

                        2. Understanding about the language….

                                               how it’s structured, how to express well

                        3. Understanding about being with the language

                                               knowing and using the cultural-social aspects

                        These three understandings will guide teachers to focus more on the social-cultural aspects of language teaching, resulting in oral fluency as the base of evidence of language acquisition. We’ll see more about these three aspects in SECTION THREE.





Elaine Gallagher 10 ceg

Are YOU with the 21st century?

By Elaine Gallagher

One of the reasons why Mexico, Latin American countries, Spain and Portugal are receiving low PISA scores, consistently, year after year, despite «reforms » in education, is because the reforms are more administrative than concentrating on real academic transformation in the classroom.

           PISA = Program for International Student Assessment. It’s an, international exam for 15 year-olds, in science, mathematics and literature, taken in the language of the student’s country. It’s a voluntary exam for both private and public school students, .Critical thinking skills are required to do well on the exams.

           Instead of expecting students to name the first ten dynasties of China, which they could look up on Internet, they may have to explain what a dynasty is, and explain why did dynasties last for 2000 years as a form of government in China and Egypt.

           The dependency on memorized responses, multiple-choice, true/false, easy-to-score answers, tedious, useless homework, which parents admittedly do for their children, and the traditional teacher-controlled lectures, students copying notes, sitting in desks arranged in lock-step rows, all combine to keep our students underdeveloped academically and intellectually, resulting in extremely low PISA scores by our 15 year olds.

           Without one other change, at no economic cost or special books, the implementation of critical thinking can make the difference between mediocrity and excellence.

The highest form of teaching occurs when students are:

  1. Working cooperatively
  2. Solving open-ended problems
  3. Using higher-order critical thinking  (Bloom’s Taxonomy)

            Bloom’s Taxonomy is a hierarchy (taxonomy) of six levels of cognitive thought, developed by Dr. Benjamin Bloom in 1954. It demonstrates HOW humans best develop critical thinking skills. The simple key to raise the level of how humans think is to change the verb in the activity or assignment. It’s a much lower level of thought to ask students to «List five vegetable» than to ask them to «Illustrate five vegetables», or even higher level thinking,  «Invent a healthy day’s menu, including five fruits and five vegetables.»

             Despite minor re-arrangement of Bloom’s original order in 2000, no one has come up with a better way to explain the levels of cognitive learning, so it is still in use after more than 50 years.  There now is a variation of Bloom’s taxonomy, mainly to have a different format among the six levels of Bloom’s original hierarchy, switching synthesis with evaluation, to demonstrate that creativity (ability to synthesize) is a more complex cognitive skill than evaluation.

            The purpose of this article, is to guide teachers to go beyond the first two levels of the Taxonomy, because they are based on low level thinking, instead, aiming to reach higher order thinking skills, which are he four higher levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy. This simple change leads students to critical thinking.

            These are the SIX LEVELS of BLOOM’S TAXONOMY, from LOWEST to HIGHEST. Originally. Bloom used NOUNS to describe each level. The 2000 version of his Taxonomy replaced the NOUNS with VERBS, to focus more on actions which exhibit the learning. Here, we will use the VERBS.

                        Based on memory
                        EXAMPLE: Counting 1 to 10
                        Understanding basic concepts
                        EXAMPLE: Being able to identify the number of objects shown.
                        Applying what you know
                        EXAMPLE: Solving or inventing a mathematical word problem
                        Taking things apart
                        EXAMPLE: Given a number, such as 16, finding various ways to express it.
                        Judging, deciding, choosing
                        EXAMPLE: Given the name of a historical figure, being able to discuss, diagram, make a
                        time line, or write about his/her role in history.
6. CREATE / Synthesize
                        Putting things together
                        EXAMPLE: Using 10 given words ,or a pattern, as a basis to develop an  original poem.


         Higher-order thinking is a concept of educational reform based on learning – taxonomies, such as Bloom’s Taxonomy. (See chart below.) By varying the verbs in your lesson plans and instructions to students, you can raise your students’ levels of responses, leading to critical thinking..

         The idea is that some types of learning require more cognitive processing than others, but also have more generalized benefits. In Bloom’s taxonomy, for example, skills involving analysis, evaluation and synthesis (creation of new knowledge) are thought to be of a higher order, requiring different learning and teaching methods, than the learning of facts and concepts which are based on memory.

         Higher order thinking involves the learning of complex judgmental skills such as critical thinking and problem solving. Higher order thinking is a bit more difficult to learn or teach, but it’s also more valuable, because such skills are more likely to be usable in novel situations, such as in situations other than those in which the skill was learned. With practice, varying the verbs in instructions to the students.

         Countries, such as Finland, Canada, and South Korea, which score very highly in PISA exams, use a great deal of high level, critical thinking in all grades, classes, and subjects.

         The lowest scoring countries are, without exception, the countries with the most traditional forms of teaching, based mainly on Bloom’s lowest two levels, which depend greatly on memorization and a regurgitation of facts.

         While the two lower levels of the taxonomy provide a base of important knowledge, skills, and facts, unless the teacher guides students to higher levels of the taxonomy, higher-oredr, critical thinking will not be developed.

        Bloom said, » Real learning begins at the APPLICATION level.»  He called the two lower levels, (Knowledge and Comprehension), «Learning for school». He called the four higher order skills, «Learning for life.»

         Critical thinking / higher-order thinking can be adapted easily to lessons IF the teacher realizes that the key to any lesson is the VERB. Simply by changing the VERB in the lesson, you can raise the level of thought required.    (See verb chart below.)

Bloom’s Taxonomy Verbs

            Simply by changing the verbs in your lesson plans, you can raise the level of critical thinking expected from your students.

            It requires very different skills for a student to LIST five vegetables than to ILLUSTRATE five vegetables. One relies on memory; the other relies on the ability to apply what one knows and understands.

           Simply by changing the verb in an activity, you can change the level of thinking required by the student. Levels 1, 2 are basic levels. Aim to reach 3, 4, 5, and 6, the higher level thinking, over time.        


1. Know    =   To recall or recognize information

Activities at this level:

2. Comprehend  =  To understand meaning

Activities at this level:

3. Apply This is where REAL learning begins, (according to Bloom) To use or apply knowledge

Activities at this level:

4. Analyze  (take apart)  = To interpret elements or  organizational principles

Activities at this level:

5. Assess / Evaluate  =  choose, decide which is better or best, weighted opinions of things

Activities at this level:

6.  Create / Synthesis  = create / build

 Activities at this level:


EXAMPLE of the use of the six levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy:

Using the story «Goldilocks», you can see how a child can be guided by a skillful teacher to reach all the levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy.

Remember, Bloom’s Taxonomy should be used with all students of any age or grade level, in order to develop higher level, critical thinking. This example is based on a children’s story, but the same six levels could be used with «Hamlet», or «Catcher in the Rye».

 Know The recall of specific information

List the characters in the story.
What were the bears eating?
Where was Goldilocks when the bears found her?
 Comprehend An understanding of what was read

Retell the events in the story in your own words.
Why was Goldilocks afraid of the bears?
Why was Goldilocks sleeping in Baby Bear’s bed?
The using of what is understood in a new situation

Tell what might have happened if you had been Goldilocks.
Relate the story from the point of view of Baby Bear.
Use the information in the story to build a model of the bears’ house.
 Analyze The breaking down of information into parts

Compare Goldilocks’ experience with that of Little Red Riding Hood’s
Identify the parts of the story that could happen to you.
What are all the elements in the story that indicate it is a fairy tale.
 Assess /Evaluate Making a judgment about the value of something

Judge whether or not Goldilocks made a good decision by running away from the bears.  Explain.
Pretend that Goldilocks was on trial for “breaking and entering.”  Decide whether you would find her guilty.  Justify your decision.
Evaluate Goldilocks’ behavior as a guest in the bears’ house.
Create /Synthesize The combining of parts into something new

Suppose that Goldilocks had found the home of the Three Raccoons. 
What might have happened?
Create a new ending for this story.
What if Goldilocks had brought a friend to the home of the Three Bears.
How might the story have changed?
























                        Bloom’s Taxonomy of Six Cognitive Levels     

            Level 1: Know
            A starting point that includes both the acquisition of information and the ability to recall information when needed.

                        A. Classifying
                        B. Distinguishing opinion from fact
                        C. Giving definitions and examples
                        D. Outlining and summarizing

            Level 2: Comprehend
            The basic level of understanding. It involves the ability to know what is being     communicated in order to make use of the information.

                        A. Making comparisons
                        B. Identifying structure
                        C. Ordering steps in a process
                        D. Reading charts and graphs
                        E. Recognizing meaning
                        F. Identifying main ideas
                        G. Identifying relationships

             3: Apply

            The ability to use a learned skill in a new situation.

                        A. Estimating
                        B. Anticipating probabilities
                        C. Making inferences
                        D. Applying math

            Level 4: Analyze

            The ability to break down information into its integral parts and to identify the    relationship of each part of the total organization.

                        A. Judging completeness
                        B. Recognizing relevance & irrelevance
                        C. Identifying story elements
                        D. Judging sentence sequence
                        E. Recognizing fallacies

            Level 5: Assess / Evaluate

            The ability to make a judgment about the value of something by using

             a standard.

                        A. Making generalizations
                        B. Developing criteria
                        C. Judging accuracy
                        D. Making decisions
                        E. Identifying values
                        F. Identifying the mood of a story

            Level 6: Create / Synthesize

            The ability to combine existing elements in order to create something        original.

                        A. Communicating ideas
                        B. Planning projects
                        C. Forming hypotheses
                        D. Drawing conclusions

                        E. Creating art, music, math problems, games

                        F. Creating original poems and stories.


You can make small changes, teachers, because with small changes in your teaching techniques, you’ll gradually transform yourself and your students.

As Pablo Doberti said in 2010, «We can’t talk about reforms in education if there are no changes in the classroom.»




A letter for DaddyBy Elaine Gallagher   

For third or fourth grade of primary

STORY : “A Letter for Daddy

General Topic:  “Community Workers”

ART: Ideas follow the story.

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE: Topics follow the story.

Vocabulary for fluency: bus, taxi, fire truck, carpenter, waiter, teacher, post office, Wednesday, shop, mail carrier, police car, workers, vehicles, buildings.

 A Letter for Daddy

         Daddy is a mail carrier. He gets big bags of mail from the post office where he works.  He delivers mail to the big buildings down town in the city.        Daddy brings mail to my teacher, to the waiter that works in the restaurant, and to the carpenter that made a new door for our house.  Everyone knows my Daddy because he is the mail  carrier for our neighborhood.

         Everyone knows my father.  The men and women who work on the fire truck know my Daddy. Many workers know my daddy.  He is famous because everyone needs him to deliver their mail.

         When a police car drives by, the vehicle slows down and the policeman asks me, “How is your father? He is my mail carrier.  I see him almost every day when I get my mail from my mailbox.”

         One Wednesday I decided that I would write a letter to my Daddy. He did not get much mail.  “I only receive bills to pay, “ said my Daddy, smiling. 

         I am going to write my Daddy a letter and mail it to him. Then he will have a nice piece of mail, not a bill that needs to be paid.

         I wrote to my Daddy. I wrote that I loved him, and that he was the best Daddy in the world. Then I put the letter inside the envelope. My Mother helped me to address the envelope. We put a stamp on it and placed it in a mailbox to be mailed.

A letter         On Friday, my father came home and he was smiling. “Guess what?” he asked.  “What?” asked my Mother. “I received a letter today. It was from the nicest little girl in the world”, said Daddy.

         He smiled and he hugged me. “I love you, too,” said my Daddy as he smiled. I was very happy because the letter for Daddy was a success!





 Art: Students can make an envelope, or you can give them an envelope to address to anyone. They can draw miniature pictures on the envelope, front and back, to make it interesting to the receiver.  Another day, they can write a short letter to the person addressed on the envelope, and actually deliver the envelope to the person.

 Multiple Intelligence: Guide students to discuss why the girl in the story decided to write a letter to her father.  Was love involved? What are the many ways we can demonstrate love to others? What kinds of letters are there?  Why do we send letters? How do people feel when they receive a letter?  Have you ever received a letter or a card? How do you feel?



Foto: Diego Devesa Laux

Foto: Diego Devesa Laux

By Elaine Gallagher    

Who was Vygotsky?  How do his theories apply to constructivism and language learning? 

The PNIEB (Plan Nacional de Inglés en Educación Básica) in Mexico, but being adapted by other countries, is based on a variety of theories, each of which will be described periodically in various issues of UNO  NEWS English Corner. The basic theory of language acquisition is that it’s a complex interaction between people, emphasizing social and cultural relationships, higher order thinking, group work, listening, and production. This eclectic approach is intended to reach the learner in a variety of ways, recognizing that we all learn using a variety of ways.


Social / cultural: Vygotsky

This is one of the main philosophical aspects that the PNIEB sees as important.

Vygotsky’s Social Development Theory

Vygotsky’s Social Development Theory is the work of Russian psychologist, Lev Vygotsky (1896 – 1934), who lived during the Russian Revolution. Vygotsky’s work was largely unknown to the West until it was published in 1962, almost 30 years after his death.

Vygotsky’s theory is one of the foundations of constructivism. It asserts three major themes.

Major Themes:

1. Social interaction plays a fundamental role in the process of cognitive development. In contrast to Jean Piaget’s understanding of child development (in which development necessarily precedes learning), Vygotsky felt social learning precedes development.

He stated: “Every function in the child’s cultural development appears twice: First, on the social level, and Later, on the individual level. First, between people (inter-psychological) and Then inside the child (intra- psychological).”  (Vygotsky, published posthumously in 1978).

2. The More Knowledgeable Other (MKO).                                   

The MKO refers to anyone who has a better understanding or a    higher ability level than the learner, with respect to a particular task, process, or concept. The MKO is normally thought of as being a teacher, coach, or older adult, but the MKO could also be peers, a younger person, or even computers.

3. The Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD).                                          

The ZPD is the distance between a student’s ability to perform a task under adult guidance and/or with peer collaboration and the student’s ability solving the problem independently. According to Vygotsky, learning occurred in this zone.

Vygotsky focused on the connections between people and the sociocultural context in which they act and interact in shared experiences (Crawford, 1996). According to Vygotsky, humans use tools that develop from a culture, such as speech and writing, to mediate their social environments.

Initially children develop these tools to serve solely as social functions, ways to communicate needs. Vygotsky believed that the internalization of these tools led to higher thinking skills.


The social cognition learning model asserts that culture is the prime determinant of individual development. Humans are the only species to have created culture, and every human child develops in the context of a culture. Therefore, a child’s learning development is affected in ways , large and small, by the culture–including the culture of family environment–in which he or she is enmeshed.


Culture makes two sorts of contributions to a child’s intellectual development. First, through culture children acquire much of the content of their thinking, that is, their knowledge. Second, the surrounding culture provides a child with the processes or means of their thinking, what Vygotskians call the tools of intellectual adaptation. In short, according to the social cognition learning model, culture teaches children both what to think and how to think.

Cognitive development results from a process whereby a child learns through problem-solving experiences shared with someone else, usually parent or teacher but sometimes a sibling or peers.Initially, the person interacting with child assumes most of the responsibility for guiding the problem solving, but gradually this responsibility transfers to the child.

Language is a primary form of interaction through which adults transmit to the child the rich body of knowledge that exists in the culture.

As learning progresses, the child’s own language comes to serve as her primary tool of intellectual adaptation. Eventually, children can use internal language to direct their own behavior.

Internalization refers to the process of learning–and thereby internalizing–a rich body of knowledge and tools of thought that first exist outside the child. This happens primarily through language.

A difference exists between what child can do on her own and what the child can do with help. Vygotskians call this difference the zone of proximal development.

Since much of what a child learns comes form the culture around her and much of the child’s problem solving is mediated through an adult’s help, it is wrong to focus on a child in isolation. Such focus does not reveal the processes by which children acquire new skills.

Interactions with surrounding culture and social agents, such asparents and more competent peers, contribute significantly to a child’s intellectual development.

How Vygotsky Impacts Learning:


Since children learn much through interaction, curricula should be designed to emphasize interaction between learners and learning tasks, projects, pair work, teamwork, cooperative learning experiences.


With appropriate adult help, children can often perform tasks that they are incapable of completing on their own. With this in mind, scaffolding – where the adult continually adjusts the level of his or her help in response to the child’s level of performance–is an effective form of teaching. Scaffolding not only produces immediate results, but also instills the skills necessary for independent problem solving in the future. 


Assessment methods must take into account the zone of proximal development. What children can do on their own is their level of actual development and what they can do with help is their level of potential development.

Two children might have the same level of actual development, but given the appropriate help from an adult, one might be able to solve many more problems than the other. Assessment methods must target both the level of actual development and the level of potential development.

Now you have some basic information about Vygotsky, at least enough so you can participate in a conversation about his language learning theories.


Elaine Gallagher 08 cegBy Elaine Gallagher

Multiple Intelligences (Dr.Howard Gardner)

Types of intelligences that Gardner has discovered:

How should we use M.I.?

Identify which ones you use in your planner so you can be more conscious of them.

        On the following pages, teachers, you will see:

 (1)  Ideas for using Multiple Intelligences in your classroom. They can be adapted for students of all ages.

 (2) A summary chart, listing the eight intelligences, how they are exhibited, what the student enjoys doing, and how each one can be used in the classroom.

(3) A chart for your text book, for various units of each book, to show you an activity in the book, and which Multiple Intelligences it is related to, so that you can be sure to reach ALL your students during each week or month.

        Once you have seen how the correlation is made between the work in the book and a multiple intelligence, you will be able to do the same as you continue in subsequent units. To assure that you are varying the activities to include ALL the MI’s during the week, a simple way to keep track is by using your planner or text.  For each day, make a notation, in a column, so it will stand out, of the MI used that day or that week.

Abbreviations may simplify this task

V (Verbal Linguistic)     L   (Logical Mathematical),     S     (Spatial- Visual)     K (Bodily Kinesthetic),   MR (Musical Rhythmic),          Inter (Interpersonal), Intra (intrapersonal),   N (Natural).




Try some of the following activities, teachers, and you will help to develop your students not only in English, but in multiple ways!

You can help students to develop and strengthen these areas by providing activities which reinforce the following multiple intelligences. Most activities usually employ MORE than one intelligence, and that is why students learn more using activities than with only traditional  reading or copying.







 2. LOGICAL-MATHEMATICAL INTELLIGENCE                                   










4. BODILY – KINESTHETIC INTELLIGENCE                                (Characteristics)




 5. MUSICAL – RHYTHMIC INTELLIGENCE                                                     (Characteristics)


















 Now, continue with the next chart, (#2) which summarizes what you’ve read about Multiple Intelligences using classroom activities..

 Then use the correlation chart (#3) using your text book, or workbook, to identify sections of the text or workbook that supports a multiple intelligence, and decide which one.

By the way, many activities incorporate several MI’s at the same time, which is why using activities helps to stimulate and support various multiple intelligences, so you interest and involve more students than if you only had read pages from the book.


You are going to teach the class to sing «Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes».

1. Verbal Linguistic intelligence because they read the words to the song, and they expand their vocabulary with words for body parts.

2. Musical because they are singing

3. Kinesthetic.….They are moving, relating to words for body parts.

4. Interpersonal.….They are working in a group.


One activity can provide for FOUR intelligences!

See how easy it is to identify and use Multiple Intelligences!


                 (#2) EIGHT WAYS OF BEING SMART

Based on Multiple Intelligences Theory by Dr. Howard Gardner

Area of
Is strong in:
Likes to:
Learns best
Verbal – Linguistics
reading, writing,
telling stories,
memorizing dates,
thinking in words
read, write, talk,
word puzzles.
make lists
reading and hearing
words, debates,
discussions, speaking,
creative writing, using
a computer
Mathematical – 
math, logic, problem-
solving, patterns,
solve problems,
question, work
with numbers,
experiment, think,
organize things
working with patterns and
relationships, analyzing,
classifying, categorizing
working with the abstract
Visual –spatial
reading maps, graphs,
and charts, drawing,
solving puzzles and
mazes, imaging,
visualization images
design, draw, build,
daydream, create, look
at pictures, watch films
working with pictures or
working with pictures or
colors, visualizing, using
a computer for working
Bodily –
dancing, athletics,
crafts, using tools,
moving, acting
move around, touch
and talk, use body
touching, moving,
processing  knowledge
through bodily sensations
Musical –
singing, picking up
sounds, remembering
melodies and rhythms,
playing musical
sing, hum, play a
musical instrument,
listen to music
rhythm, singing,  melodies,
listening to music, using
repetition with clapping or
rhythmic activities
understanding people,
leading, organizing,
resolving conflicts,
have friends, talk to
people, join groups
sharing, comparing,
relating, working in
pairs or cooperative
groups, interviewing
understanding self,
setting personal goals,
recognizing strengths
and weaknesses
work alone, reflect,
pursue interests
working alone, doing
self-paced projects,
having space, reflecting
understanding nature,
making distinctions,
identifying flora and
be involved with
nature, astronomy,
planting, read
science-based stories
working in nature,
exploring living things,
learning about plants,
animals, natural events

 Now, teachers, you are ready to look at your Multiple Intelligences guide and compare the charts with what you have learned about MI. You will be able to see some of the activities in our SURPRISE! books which correlate with MI. After using the guide frequently, you will be able to identify more examples of activities that use Multiple Intelligences….USE THEM for better student success!




Gardner, H. (1983). Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. New York: Basic Books.

Gardner, H. (1991, fall). Intelligence in Seven Phases. Paper presented at the Centennial of Education at Harvard. Published in the Harvard Graduate School Alumni Bulletin, 36, (1), 18-19.

Gardner, H. (1993). Multiple Intelligences: The Theory in Practice. New York: Basic Books.

Gray, H. J., & Viens, J. (1994). The Theory of Multiple Intelligences: Understanding Cognitive Diversity in School. National Forum, 74 (1), 22-25.

Hatch, T., & Gardner, H. (1990). If Binet Had Looked Beyond the Classroom: The Assessment of Multiple Intelligences. International Journal of Educational Research, 415-429

Kornhaber, M., Krechevsky, M., & Gardner, H. (1991). Engaging Intelligence. Educational Psychologist, 25 (3&4), 177-199.

Krechevsky, M., & Gardner, H. (1994). Multiple Intelligences in Multiple Contexts. In D. Detterman (Ed.), Current Topics in Human Intelligence, 4.

Krechevsky, M., & Kornhaber, M. (1993, May). Multiple Intelligences: Theory and Implications. Paper prepared for Mind Management 2000 Conference, Zurich, Switzerland.

Krechevsky, M., & Seidel, S. (1998). Minds at Work: Applying Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom. In R.J. Sternberg & W. Williams (Eds.), Intelligence, instruction and assessment. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.

Walters, J., & Gardner, H. (1985). The Development and Education of Intelligences. In F. Link (Ed.), Essays on the intellect. Washington, DC: Curriculum Development Associates.




Elaine Gallagher 06 cegBy Elaine Gallagher, PH.D.

        Teachers have been hearing much about Multiple Intelligences, not because it’s new, because it’s not, but because they are discovering that the theory offers a clear explanation of the many ways in which we learn. Some educational experts are using the term «Learner Preferences» instead of «Multiple Intelligences» so that the eight intelligences can be implemented in the classroom…. supporting the view that various students that learn in multiple ways.

        In 1983, Dr. Howard Gardner, published Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. It was a book originally written for psychologists. Classroom teachers, however, were the ones who embraced the theory, recognizing that it gave a logical explanation of why some students did well in school and others, with similar I.Q. (intelligence quotient), did not.

        Gardner’s theory challenged the traditional psychological view of intelligence as a single capacity that is evidenced by verbal ability, and logical and mathematical thought. Instead, Gardner proposed that all individuals possess eight independent intelligences. These, in combination, enable people to solve problems or fashion products with varying levels of skill. Gardner’s simplified definition of intelligence is «the ability to solve problems».

The eight «intelligences» presented by Dr. Gardner are:

1. Verbal – Linguistic

2. Logical – Mathematical

     (1 & 2 are the styles of thinking measured most often on psychological «I.Q.» tests.)

3. Musical

4. Visual – Spatial

5. Bodily – kinesthetic (including gross and fine motor skills)

6. Interpersonal (an area of strength for teachers, social workers, and politicians)

7. Intrapersonal (self-understanding)

8, Natural (the final one to be discovered by Gardner, after he    had already published data about the first seven.)

        Gardner identified these intelligences using biological and psychological studies, including:

       Findings over the years, suggest that using activities to support the various Multiple Intelligences helps schools in various ways:



We’ll look at the eight intelligences in more detail, with their characteristics and classroom activities to support each intelligence.
