(NOTE: CRISIS is singular. CRISES is plural)
1. We can’t think that things will change if we keep doing the same thing as always. A crisis is a great blessing to people and to countries because crises cause change, which results in progress.
2. Creativity is born in anguish, as the light of day follows the darkness of night. It’s in crisis that innovation is born, and the discovery of grand strategies. Those who rise above crises, rise above themselves, without ever being kept down by others.
3. Those who attribute crises to their failings and problems , are negating their own talents and abilities, giving more strength to the problems than to their solutions. A true crisis, is the crisis of incompetency.
4. The main problem of people and of countries is laziness to seek and find solutions to crises. Without crises, there are no goals or objectives. Without goals and objectives, life is routine, a slow agony of passing time. Without crises, there are no merits or recognitions. It is during crises that the best of each of us has the opportunity to blossom and flower, because without a crisis, we are not challenged, and life is too easy.
5. To talk about crises is to move forward. To keep silent about crises is to exalt conformity. In place of moving forward, we simply work harder, not smarter.
6. The only crisis that threatens each of us is the tragedy of not wanting to struggle to do our very best.
This article can be used as a base of research by your students. From 4th grade through high school, students can investigate the life, the philosophy, the discoveries and theories of Albert Einstein.
Interestingly, his parents thought he had learning disabilities, and that he was slow academically. He spoke late, did not want to mingle with other students, and had terrible temper tantrums as a child. He dropped out of school when he was 15 because he hated the boring, memorization, note-taking, traditional teaching in his classes. He loved music, played the violin, and loved mathematics. Teachers were not reaching Einstein’s learning preferences.
This bit of information may inspire some of your students to know more about the academic, scientific, genius, Dr. Albert Einstein.