Building your identity - UNOi Internacional
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Building your identity

by Elaine Gallagher Hello Readers, as some of you may know, I’ve been in Brazil the past month, working with UNO teachers, coaches, and editors.  As much as I’ve been sharing, I’ve also been learning from others. Today I’d like to show you an interesting writing / speaking activity I saw at an UNO English […]

Autor: UNOi

Fecha: 14 de septiembre de 2015

Elaine Gallagher 12 cegby Elaine Gallagher

Hello Readers, as some of you may know, I’ve been in Brazil the past month, working with UNO teachers, coaches, and editors.  As much as I’ve been sharing, I’ve also been learning from others.

Today I’d like to show you an interesting writing / speaking activity I saw at an UNO English conference in Vítoria, Brazil. It was presented by two teachers in a series of  “Best Practices” workshops,  which involved various countries and topics.

(Next time, I’ll show you “Best Practices” by one of our Mexican teachers,  from Colegio Multicultural UNN, Hermosillo, Sonora: Teacher: Julio Edgar Gerardo Martinez)

From Teachers Josimare Machado and Flávia Santana, who work at Pequeno Príncipe School in Teófilo Otoni, MG  Brazil, we learned how they get their 9th grade  students talking about various topics, centered around a project called: BUILDING YOUR IDENTITY. This idea can be used with students from 5th grade through high school, depending on the English ability of the students.

First, the teacher needs to build interest in the topic and develop vocabulary by brainstorming, mind mapping, or using other graphic organizers, so students can see and hear words that might be useful to them in the description of their identities.

Once students have oral fluency about the topic, they are ready to write. Here, below, is an outline of the autobiography poem.  When it’s completed, it should look attractively organized and balanced, with one word in the first line, and one word in the last line. Lines 2 – 9 vary in length, but basically, the poem’s shape will de diamond-like. By adding drawings, pictures from magazines, or photographs, this poem could be an attractive gift for parents or grandparents.



How to write an  autobiography poem

Think about the past few years of your life….or, think about your whole life. Come up with some ideas of important or interesting things for your autobiography poem.

When you have an autobiography poem that represents you, edit and finalize it, so that you have something written for every line… ideas that represent YOU. Keep each step (1 – 10) to only one line so the poem will look attractive and not too wordy.

Follow the steps below to form your autobiography poem. When you have it as you like it, copy it neatly, and provide drawings or photos or pictures to show some ideas from your poem.

LINE 1: Write your first name.

LINE 2: List three or four adjectives that describe you.

LINE 3: Write some important relationships you have had in your life (“daughter of…” “friend of..” …”sister of..”).

LINE 4: List two or three things, people, or ideas that you love.

LINE 5: List three feelings you have experienced.

LINE 6: List three fears you have experienced.

LINE 7: Write some of your accomplishments. (“who won…”, “who performed…”, “who learned…”

LINE 8: Write two or three things you want to see happen or you want to experience.

LINE 9: List the town, city, state, or area of your residence.

LINE 10: Write your last name.


How does it look? Are you proud of yourself?